Watch our helpful video on how to read your water meter simply and easily.


Your water meter

IWNL use meters to bill our customers; calculating the amount of water you have actually used.

Our meters communicate via radio signal to pick up your reads remotely; we aim to read the meter at least once a year. They also have alarms that assist in the detection of leaks, high consumption and stuck meters.

To locate your water meter please watch the video above. Our preferred meter location is external either at our stopcock or inside the boundary of your property. If you can’t find your meter, ring us on 02920 028 711 and we’ll help you to locate it.

To submit a meter read please login into your account

Testing your meter

If you suspect your meter is faulty, you can contact us and request we test it. The meter will be independently tested and if necessary, be removed and replaced.

If your meter has tested as faulty, the charges will be adjusted to reflect the correct level of usage. We will calculate this either from the date the meter became faulty, or if we don’t know the date, we will calculate it from the date of the second-to-last meter reading.

Please note, if your meter is not faulty, you may be charged for the test, the replacement of the meter, postage, packaging and other administrative costs. Please note: The meter is the property of IWNL and it is a criminal offence to tamper with it, or remove it.

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