If you pay by direct debit we will send you a bill twice a year. If you pay by another method, you will receive your bill every month. You must pay the full balance within 10 working days of receiving the bill. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to manage your finances, so if you’re having problems paying your bills please contact us as soon as possible to discuss other payment options. We are here to help.
If your bill is based on an estimated meter reading, if you provide us with an accurate reading, we can update your bill right away and you’ll see your new balance.
Billing on demand

Online account
Receive your bills electronically and pay via your online account.
- Receive a £1.50 discount on your bills every year
- Track your monthly water outgoings online
- Track past payments made online
- View bills online and receive an email notification when they are ready to view
To switch to E-Billing, call our customer services team on 02920 028711, or if you already have an online account, you can login in an set this up.

Monthly direct debit
The easiest and cheapest way to pay! We will collect a payment from your account on the date you specify, or the next working day (if this day falls on a weekend or bank holiday).
- Save £3.50 on your annual bill
- Pay your bills on time without the hassle of having to remember
- Spread the cost over the year
- Get peace of mind with the Direct Debit Guarantee
Switch to Direct Debit
This a free and easy way to pay your bill. You will need to call us to request a Payzone card and agree your schedule of payments. Then simply take your card to your local Payzone retailer, along with the amount you need to pay. To find your local outlet, please visit the Payzone website or give us a call on 02920 028711.
If you receive income support, job seekers allowance, pension credits, or Income Related Employment and Support Allowance from the Department for Work and Pensions, you may be able to arrange for you to make payments directly from your benefit under WaterDirect. This only applies if you are in arrears with your water bill. Please contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for more details and make sure you let us know.
Online banking
Please use the following details to pay your bill via your own online banking services:
Our bank: Barclays
Our account number: 73619559
Sort code: 20-00-00
Please remember to quote your customer reference on all transactions. You can find this on the first page of your bill.
Credit/debit card
You can call us on 02920 028 711 and use your credit/debit card to pay over the telephone. You can arrange to pay by telephone in monthly instalments using your credit/debit card.
You can pay your bill in full or by agreed instalments by sending us a cheque(s) payable to Independent Water Networks. You can find our address details on page 18 of this document.
Your bank
You can use the slip at the bottom of your bill to make cash or cheque payments at any bank or building society. Alternatively, you can call us and request a payment booklet. However, please note you may be charged a handling fee.
Post office
You can pay your bill at a Post Office using the payment slip at the bottom of the bill (although the Post Office may charge).
You can use the slip at the bottom of your bill to make cash or cheque payments at any Barclays branch FREE OF CHARGE. Alternatively, you can call us to agree and request a payment booklet for making regular payments (e.g. monthly, fortnightly, or weekly).
Difficulty paying?
We understand at times it can be difficult to manage your finances, so if you’re having problems paying your bills, please call us on 02920 028711 to discuss alternative payment options. We can always help, but we won’t know unless you tell us!
For more information on help with paying your bills please click here.